2000 Days of "One Minute Breath"

I'm excited to share that I just passed 2000 days of doing a meditation called One Minute Breath.

That's a lot of days of doing something every day consistently, but I have been meditating since I'm 25 years old.

I'm 50, so I've been meditating for 25 years already.

But to do anything for 2000 days is an accomplishment, and I'm really excited about that.

Now, One Minute Breath is a very special meditation.

I inhale for 20 seconds, I hold it for 20 seconds, and I exhale for 20 seconds, so it is exactly what it says.

I take one breath a minute, and I do that for 31 minutes every single day.

After that, I hold plank up to 11 minutes every day.

I am not strong enough to hold plank for 11 minutes, but I have the commitment and the desire to hold plank for 11 minutes, and that's what I do.

That's the toughest part of my day, any day, is doing those two things.

Meditation, even though I'm just sitting there clearing my mind of all thoughts, that is very tough to do, but something that everyone should do every day.

So I wake up at 5:00 AM, I'm in my meditation by 5:15, and my entire practice, which I just laid out, takes me about 45 minutes. So by 6:00, I'm done.

I then head into the hot tub, I rejuvenate, and I then jump into work before everyone else is up, getting through a lot of the clutter, emails, all that type of stuff, so come 10:00, I'm really reacting to the day and taking care of future business.

Meditation is really important for everyone.

I do it with my clients, I do it with my family.

Everyone has some stress level.

Really important to meditate, clear your mind, and to de-stress.

Good luck.

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